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April and Jay Matta, Creators of SpirituallyRAW
Your Pitch

April & Jay Matta, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Hosts of SpirituallyRAW, and Authors of SpirituallyRAW Secrets To Broadcasting Riches

SpirituallyRAW “No Topic Is Taboo." We expose and explore truths, myths, and theories surrounding the spirit world. Guests include spiritual authorities, financial experts, investigators, debunkers, and skeptics of the fantastical, conspiracy theories, supernatural, unexplained, and flat out unimaginable!!  “Together We’ll Turn The Universe Key To Global Harmony & Create A Unified World”.

Over the past 10 years, April & Jay interviewed over 1500 people worldwide and on the global movement to assist with the ascension of the planet. You will find their style to be very entertaining & enlightening with a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to getting to the debatable facts. They are not biassed one way or the other. Just inquisitive minds searching for answers like everyone else. April & Jay are internationally recognized and know how to connect with the audience.

Jay Matta, the “Realist.”

Jay is a remarkably evolved soul blessed with a witty personality. His tenacious viewpoints and uncanny nature to verbalize brings forth a lot of laughs and insight. He was born into eastern philosophies and raised with western ideologies, providing the perfect cocktail for blending his intuition with tenacious leadership skills. He is a renowned charismatic media personality and highly sought out business executive.

April Matta, the “Controversial Theorist”

Don’t be fooled by her sweet smile and charisma. She’s a sharp Italian who calls it as she sees it. Her feminine energy and enlightened sense of humor tie the dynamic duo together.

Apriland Jay are former Million Dollar Round Table insurance and financial services professionals with over fifty years of combined sales and marketing experience. That knowledge provided the perfect launch pad to creating SpirituallyRAW and media success. Their expertise spans from sales and marketing to create multiple streams of residual income, from doing what they love...broadcasting!

Creators and authors of SpirituallyRAW Secrets To Broadcasting Riches “Awakening The Power Of Your Voice ” creating prosperity and abundance, and living your divine purpose, all from the comforts of your laptop!  The more truth and love we speak,  all of us prosper, and the faster we'll shift global consciousness.

QUESTIONS (anything spiritual)

  1. BACKSTORY / You left a very lucrative career in financial services to pursue your spiritual path. Why did you do that? What were you hoping to gain?

  2. How did the SpirituallyRAW show start?

  3. What is the philosophy of the show?

  4. What have you personally learned?

  5. What’s the most significant message you realized from the past year.

  6. How can we raise our vibration with all this negativity?

  7. Many people see this as dark times, do you think we can still prosper?

  8. How do you manifest? 

  9. How do you remain balanced with all of these new energies?

  10. What is your opinion of the state of the world and can we come through this ahead?

  11. What are the COLLECTIVE Super Channels and the message behind them? =

  12. Thoughts on 3D-5D

  13. What are your thoughts on reincarnation? 

  14. Tell us about your out-of-body experiences.

  15. Do you belive in destiny and karma?

  16. In your opinion are past lives important to know?

  17. Where do you see the USA in the next 3-5 years. 

  18. Why are you such an advocate on people having their own shows

Contact Info:

Ajay (Jay) Matta: / (321) 216-8047

April Matta:






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Over the past 10 years, April & Jay interviewed over 1500 people worldwide and on the global movement to assist with the ascension of the planet. You will find their style to be very entertaining & enlightening with a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to getting to the debatable facts. They are not biassed one way or the other. Just inquisitive minds searching for answers like everyone else. April & Jay are internationally recognized and know how to connect with the audience.

Jay Matta, the “Realist.”

Jay is a remarkably evolved soul blessed with a witty personality. His tenacious viewpoints and uncanny nature to verbalize brings forth a lot of laughs and insight. He was born into eastern philosophies and raised with western ideologies, providing the perfect cocktail for blending his intuition with tenacious leadership skills. He is a renowned charismatic media personality and highly sought out business executive.

April Matta, the “Controversial Theorist”

Don’t be fooled by her sweet smile and charisma. She’s a sharp Italian who calls it as she sees it. Her feminine energy and enlightened sense of humor tie the dynamic duo together.

Apriland Jay are former Million Dollar Round Table insurance and financial services professionals with over fifty years of combined sales and marketing experience. That knowledge provided the perfect launch pad to creating SpirituallyRAW and media success. Their expertise spans from sales and marketing to create multiple streams of residual income, from doing what they love...broadcasting!

Creators and authors of SpirituallyRAW Secrets To Broadcasting Riches “Awakening The Power Of Your Voice ” creating prosperity and abundance, and living your divine purpose, all from the comforts of your laptop!  The more truth and love we speak,  all of us prosper, and the faster we'll shift global consciousness.

United States
SpirituallyRAW Secrets To Broadcasting Riches