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Aminah Ramezany
Your Pitch

With so many ways to say the same thing, have you thought about how you communicate with family, friends, co-workers, &/or difficult people? Most likely yes. Let's add another layer. How do you communicate with nature, animals, the world? Pet Psychic & Communicator Aminah will show you the layers of communication that all of us have. How to do and be better at not only sending out your messages but maybe, & more importantly, receiving the correct messages.


Hearing the passion in which Aminah speaks is a joy because she adds her lifelong experiences in hearing the animals, flowers, and the world speaks. Quote: "All my life I have spoken to and heard the animals, plants, people, & earth. When I was very young I just thought everyone did but quickly realized this was not the case as no one seemed to "see" and "hear" what I did. Now, having spent a lifetime working hands-on with all types of pets, exotic animals, trained, worked in veterinarian care, actively involved in promoting rescue services, teaching co-existing, besides all my experience with nature in all forms, it is humbling to get to share all this knowledge with others.”

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