The Kerrie O'Connor Show with Kerrie O'Connor

Kerrie O'Connor has a unique and pioneering approach to delivering information directly from the soul. She is dedicated to lifelong partnership with her spirits and guides, maintaining a direct powerful and on-going interaction with them. Kerrie continues to expand and refine her astounding ability to energetically read a person's life stories by decoding the messages that are encrypted in the human energy field. Beyond acting as a medium and other psychic ability, Kerrie accesses a person's Original Blueprints, which holds all the information you need to live a more empowered, joyful life.
The basis of her work is found in the LightStream™ material, of which Intuitive LightStream™ Reading as the cornerstone. Her capacity to literally observe the inner ongoing processes we all go through make her uniquely qualified to offer the personal and practical guidance that will truly empower any individual or group.
Talk Radio Show Program Information Displays
The_Kerrie_OConnor_Show, November 17, 2008 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
The_Kerrie_OConnor_Show, November 12, 2008 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
The_Kerrie_OConnor_Show, November 5, 2008 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
The_Kerrie_OConnor_Show, October 29, 2008 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
The_Kerrie_OConnor_Show, October 22, 2008 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
The_Kerrie_OConnor_Show, October 14, 2008 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
The_Kerrie_OConnor_Show, October 7, 2008 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
The_Kerrie_OConnor_Show, September 30, 2008 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
The_Kerrie_OConnor_Show, September 23, 2008 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Kerrie O'Connor
Biography from:
Master Intuitive, Kerrie O'Connor has the amazing ability to energetically read your unique energy field and like a tuning fork, help raise your vibrational levels so that you can attract what you truly desire in life. Kerrie's powerful lifelong connection to Spirit has honed her extraordinary intuitive abilities which she is dedicated to using to help humanity remember and re-awaken to their Divine Heritage and Empowerment.
With the help of her Guides and yours, Angels, Ascended Masters and departed loved ones, Kerrie is able to tap into your soul to help you achieve and direct your purpose and passion in life. With loving compassion, Kerrie will help you identify and release energetic blocks and imbalances to assist you in letting go of fear and negative thought patterns, both conscious and unconscious.
What sets Kerrie apart and beyond what is known as "The Secret" is her intuitive ability to access your "Original Blueprints" and help you identify and release negative beliefs that have become your "story". Her mission is to help mankind step out of their stories and into their Divine POWER. As we understand that we constantly co-create our own reality, we become masters of our own lives, write our own scripts with intention and live fulfilling and enriching, joyful lives.
Kerrie has a flourishing practice based in Salem, CT, an alternative-healing venture where she specializes in personal and call-in sessions. She holds workshops and classes regularly and will travel around the country to present them. Among her varied talents, she is a Medium of the Doreen Virtue School, a Reiki Master, an LPN, a practitioner of the EMF Balancing technique, founder of the 12:12 Trinity Love Activation as well as the creator of Intuitive LightStream ReadingTM and LightStream LiveTM.
Kerrie has a weekly call-in radio show, The Kerrie O'Connor Show that is featured on KKNW 1150 Seattle, WA and News for the Soul. She also has Blog Talk Radio every third Thursday and World Puja every first and third Wednesday of the month where she gives a channeled message from spirit, gives personal readings and encourages call-in questions from both radio and internet listeners. She's also on every 6 weeks on Blog Talk Radio on Awake Now What with Rev. Rhonda. Kerrie has also been a featured guest on Better CT-TV, Fox 61-TV, NBC-TV, News For The Soul with Nicole Whitney on Syndicated Talk Radio, Seeing Beyond with Bonnie Coleen on KEST and Contact Talk Radio with Cameron Steele on KKNW.