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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 7 September 2021

The Angel Room with Ivory LaNoue

The Angel Room with Ivory LaNoue
Talk Show:
Show Host:
Ivory LaNoue

Learn how to communicate with your angels and guides.

Find out how to deepen your relationship with them to receive the full benefit of their guidance.

Spiritual topics, special guests, fascinating discussions.

Call in to ask questions & receive their loving messages for you.

Ivory LaNoue is a highly respected Angel Communicator & Psychic Medium in Sedona, Arizona

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

The Angel Room, September 19, 2021 Guest, Sarah Hansegard, visual artist, abstract painter, printmaker, and photographer
The Angel Room, September 5, 2021 Guest, Melissa Robinson, atheist and messages from Angels
The Angel Room, August 22, 2021 Guest, Ashley Campbell, angel person, born with the ability to see, hear and feel angels
The Angel Room, August 8, 2021 with Ivory LaNoue, learn to communicate with your angels that are always with you
Ivory LaNoue
Angel Communicator, Psychic Medium, Spiritual Counselor, Mentor

Ivory LaNoue, known as "Ivory Angelic", is a Medium, Psychic, Spiritual Counselor, and Healer. Her business, Sedona Soul Sisters, is located in Sedona, AZ.

For her whole life, Ivory has seen and spoken with spirit and angels. Here she gives you her thoughts on spirituality, metaphysics, angels, and healing.


  • Angel Communications
  • Psychic Readings
  • Business Intuitive
  • Mediumship
  • Spiritual Counseling
  • Healing
  • Mentoring
  • Author


Ivory is a spiritual teacher with a focus on angels.  Her warmth and humor make her a joy to be around.  Add to that her ability to illuminate spiritual issues with a new view and her background in the field of mental health.  Ivory is recognized as a spiritual leader and angel expert.

Her encounters with angels began at a very early age.  Ivory was two when a beautiful angel beckoned her and guided her back to her family's home after she wandered off the property and was lost.   She has always had the ability to feel, see and hear angels and spirit.  Eventually her angels guided her to make angels the core of her spiritual work.

Ivory has a powerful presence and enthusiasm which are engaging and put people at ease.  Through her work with thousands of clients and students, Ivory has come to believe that anyone can develop the skills which allow them to connect with their angels.  Her goal is to make this easy to learn.

From childhood, she realized that she knew things about people and situations that could not be explained.  When she had her spiritual awakening in 1985, her angels showed and told her things that made it impossible to ignore her gifts and her spiritual path.

Ivory is what's known as a super empath.  She feels the emotions of others very strongly.  In sessions, Ivory experiences sensations in her body related to the health of her client or the spirit who is present.  Spirit will let her feel what led to their death and health issues they had.  In readings, she picks up emotions related to your past and present.

Her spiritual journey began as a healer, doing Medical Qi Gong Energy Healing for over 25 years.  Though she no longer does this, she senses when you need healing and can help you heal in other ways.

Ivory has mentored students since 1995, developing their spiritual gifts to the highest level possible.  A few of her passions are helping others recognize their gifts and develop them, teaching people to communicate with angels and spirit, and advising others in creating a successful spiritual/healing business.

She offers certification courses to become an Angel Communicator, Psychic, Medium or Empath.