Dr Love Connection Radio Show
Call in your questions about dating or relationships!
There will be many guests on the show including some of our members on the site discussing what they are looking for in a relationship.
Dr Love Connection is a FREE DATING SITE! No Credit Card Required! You can add your picture and profile and also search and communicate with others for free!
Dr Love Connection was created with you in mind! If you are wanting to meet someone that has the same interests as you, then this is the place to be!
If you would like to have a free dream date with a beautiful woman or a handsome man, just by joining you qualify to be picked for a free!
DREAM DATE. We pick someone from our site around once a week to go on a great date if you choose to go. You then get to choose someone from the site to take on the date. We will be calling or emailing potential winners each week. So don’t be surprised! There is no catch! This is our way of advertising! Our sponsors simply want to show you how great their place is, and how much fun can be had, whether dancing, dining or simply enjoying the entertainment.