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Dr Lana and Det David Love are excited to have international best-selling author and master remote viewer (psychic spy) Joseph McMoneagle on our talk show.  Joseph will be discussing his experience with astral travel, out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, and the spirit world.  Joseph is best known for his role in a psychic spy research program conducted by the US Army Intelligence and the Stanford Research Institute during the 80s and 90s known as the Stargate Project.

Dr Lana and Det David Love speak with Hollywood producer, Channeler, and Blogger Mathew Hart. Mathew Hart is a noted channeler for the “The Guardian Alliance”. He writes about his experiences and spirit communications with the Guardians on the popular blog - Mathew will be sharing his experience with “The Guardians”, and their message to Humanity.

Lorraine Eldridge is an energy medicine healer, body talk practitioner, public speaker, and alternative currency expert.

Lorraine will be talking to Dr Lana and Det David Love about the many benefits of gold and an exciting new gold-backed financial exchange system.

Dr Lana and Det David Love talk to Author Jay Hall about his "Young Earth Theory".

Universal Soul Love with Dr Lana Love and Detective David Love

Special Guests Jonah Bolt and Jill Jenkins

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Universal Soul Love presents "Transformational Consciousness"

With Detective David Love and Jonah Bolt Host of Starseed Radio an the founder of the Stareed Society. 

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Detective David Love and special co-host Jill Jenkins speak to teen channeler Courtney Amundson about her fascinating book "Teachings from God".

Det David Love interviews special guest Phillip Elton Collins co-founder of the ANGEL NEWS NETWORK.  Phillip will be talking to us about the paradigm shift.  Phillip will also be giving us important channeled messages from higher sources in the etheric realms.


Det David love speaks with inspirational and transformational speaker Yan Golding about the mission of United Earth and the upcoming Com21 conference. 

Det David Love and Dr Lana Love interview special guest Laura Eisenhower the “Cosmic Gaia Sophia”.