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The Voice of the Ashtar Command with Commander Lady Athena Sheran - Show #1 on BBS Radio!

Lots of things happened last week. I bet in your life also. Moments of awareness of the need for self care and quiet. Moments of intense emotional reactions and response. Moments of awareness of power, shifting power and how we each influence in our lives. Making choices for others and ourselves is not always easy.

Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace!

Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace!

Shannon Guest and Alexandra Meadors review a unique and beautiful way of bringing forth angelic messages through personal artistic creations. Shannon is an Angel Intuitive and Psychic Artist. Through the brush or pastels, psychic messages transform into a visual reflection of Guardian Angels, Soul Portraits or other types of Guides and Teachers. Her hands are guided to create each and every brush stroke, one after another, until a portrait emerges.The process is through complete trust with her Angels, where they direct the outcome, allowing Shannon to be their conduit.

When I go through my Facebook feed, I see loads of people sharing pretty pictures with quotes about how the world is just a dream and how we all need to move out of duality consciousness.

Lovely, right?

So, if all these “awakened” people truly believe what they share, why aren’t they attending Satsang or working with a spiritual guide?

Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace

Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace