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Science, Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse

Science, Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse

Science, Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse

Science, Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse

Science, Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse

Sri and Kira Live with sri ram kaa and kira raa

With the myriad of spiritual beliefs and ways to access the mysteries of the universe as vast as the universe, is there a way to definitively experience the divine? Can we connect without years of meditation or study? Is the vast gift of divine connection only for the few or can anyone discover the beauty and healing capacity of this energy?

Sri and Kira welcome very special guest Neeta Singal of Mumbai, India as together they discuss the ancient science of RRST and Ascension.

with sri ram kaa and kira raa

Looking Ahead, will Science and Spirit converge in 2015? 

Every day new scientific discoveries are validating what those on a spiritual journey have known for years.  These revelations are happening alongside the 24 hour media cycle that is trying to compete for your attention and keep you locked into fear and doubt.

This interview will be about the fascinating science of Animal Intelligence, Emotion, Friendship, and Conservation.

The Debut of X-Squared Radio talk radio show with Dr. Brooks Alexander Agnew, PhD on BBS Radio.

Eva Herr interview with the late great Dr. Abram Hoffer

If you are looking for reliable information to help you make intelligent decisions about your health... LOOK NO MORE! Eva Herr's interview skills produce more useful information in one hour than many books. She does her homework and she knows her topics!  Her interviews are like health/science depositions. She finds the facts!