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Sri and Kira Live, December 21, 2014

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Sri and Kira Live
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with sri ram kaa and kira raa

with sri ram kaa and kira raa

Looking Ahead, will Science and Spirit converge in 2015? 

Every day new scientific discoveries are validating what those on a spiritual journey have known for years.  These revelations are happening alongside the 24 hour media cycle that is trying to compete for your attention and keep you locked into fear and doubt.

As we start to look ahead to 2015 and beyond can we resolve science and spirit to find a common ground that uplifts humanity?  Sri and Kira welcome back James Tyberron as they go deeply into the hard questions that are either being hidden, glossed over or simply ignored! 

Ready for some answers to the intriguing times ahead?

Tune in and enjoy the exploration! The lines are open for questions, mini soul reading requests or to just say hello!

Headlined Show, Sri and Kira Live December 21, 2014

 will Science and Spirit converge in 2015?
Broadcast Date

Looking Ahead, will Science and Spirit converge in 2015? 

Every day new scientific discoveries are validating what those on a spiritual journey have known for years.  These revelations are happening alongside the 24 hour media cycle that is trying to compete for your attention and keep you locked into fear and doubt.

As we start to look ahead to 2015 and beyond can we resolve science and spirit to find a common ground that uplifts humanity?  Sri and Kira welcome back James Tyberron as they go deeply into the hard questions that are either being hidden, glossed over or simply ignored! 

Ready for some answers to the intriguing times ahead?

Tune in and enjoy the exploration! The lines are open for questions, mini soul reading requests or to just say hello!


Guest, James Tyberonn

Guest Name
James Tyberonn
James Tyberonn
Guest Occupation
Author, Geologist, Engineer, Gemologist and Channel.
Guest Biography

James Tyberonn is an author, geologist, engineer,  gemologist and channel. He holds a deep love for the earth, and a driven interest in science, spirituality and metaphysics. During his 33 years abroad, he devoted himself to intense metaphysical studies.  He is considered one of the world's most knowledgeable experts on Earth Energies, Crystals & Healing Gems, Sacred Sites, Power-Nodes, Vortexes, Portals and the Planetary Grid System.

He has recently been to the United Nations S.E.A.T as the featured speaker. He has a great love for the planet, and believes the Earth to be the living sentience of GAIA. He has visited over 300 sacred sites across the globe over the past four decades. He has been a guest speaker at the A.R.E. A d will be a guest speaker & channel at Lee Carroll's 2015 Kryon Channel Summit in Sedona.  He has hosted many Earth-Keeper  conferences and been a guest on numerous television documentaries including Nat-Geo and Travel channel.

He has authored four books, co-written a fifth with Lee Carroll (Kryon) and Tom Kenyon (The Hathors), and is writing his sixth book on the healing properties of gemstones, also viewed from a scientific stance. 

He began channeling Archangel Metatron in 2007, and is featured each month in the 'Sedona Journal of Emergence Magazine. He writes and conducts seminars and sacred site travel throughout the World on a full time basis with his life partner, Anne. The Earth-Keeper mission is to merge the scientific with the spiritual, forming the integral circle.

Tyberonn is featured each month in the 'Sedona Journal of Emergence Magazine.  A "Citizen of the World", Tyb dedicates his life to sharing the spiritual and sacred scientific information received from Archangel Metatron. 

Sri and Kira Live

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa
Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Join wisdom teachers Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa on 'Sri and Kira LIVE! The Voice of Passionate Action' airing every Sunday at 12:00pm PST / 3pm Eastern. Their mission is to open the authentic path of self-ascension through the sacred union of the soul. Experience laughter, wisdom and what they call the practice of 'Passionate Action'. They offer spiritually deep, articulate, and intelligent views . . . opening a nourishing dialog with all and boldly answering the tough questions with wisdom, compassion and reassurance! Each week they give spiritual guidance and information on a specific topic at hand and open the phone lines to take your calls and offer mini-soul readings. The phone lines are always inundated with callers so…keep trying! Hang up and call again - Call 517-208-1500

Internationally acclaimed for “walking the walk” of authenticity and on the cutting edge of soul evolution, Sri is a gifted Psychotherapist, Skilled Medical Intuitive and Master Avesa Quantum Healer. Kira was born clairvoyant, and declared clinically dead of cancer in 1989. She is now widely accepted as the most prolific and accurate Oracle of modern history. Tune in for the fun, discover fascinating information and guests while enjoying visionary perspectives!

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