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Parental Criminalization: A Firsthand Account

by Rev. Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div *

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett and guest Ted Kuntz

Topic: Overcoming fear and tyranny with truth: An interview with Ted Kuntz of Vaccine Choice Canada​

Part 1: April 24 Resistance Announcement
Closing song: Oh, Freedom



Stirring up God’s Good Trouble: Lessons from my Father

by Kevin D. Annett

A Cardinal gets "Laid" by Frankie the Fixer:
Upholding the Oldest Lie until the Very End
by Kevin D. Annett

Let the Spin Begin, Again:

Medical Genocide in Canada finally sees the official light of day - well, sort of

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Rev. Kevin D Annett and David Scott of the Scottish Common Law Court