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Let the Spin Begin, Again: Medical Genocide in Canada finally sees the official light of day - well, sort of

Nanaimo Indian Hospital, circa 1948
Let the Spin Begin, Again: Medical Genocide in Canada finally sees the official light of day - well, sort of

Let the Spin Begin, Again:

Medical Genocide in Canada finally sees the official light of day - well, sort of

News item, February 1, 2018: CBC reports "abuses" at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital

Let the Spin Begin, Again:

Medical Genocide in Canada finally sees the official light of day - well, sort of

News item, February 1, 2018: CBC reports "abuses" at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital


A Memo and Open Letter to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

from Kevin D. Annett


February 2, 2018

Dear CBC,

It's been awhile since I wrote to you jokers but yesterday's news makes it impossible for me to resist dropping you a note.

Ever since the spring of 2008, when your Corporation's bosses agreed to cooperate with the Canadian government and its partner-churches in censoring my name and the evidence of their genocidal crimes out of your reporting, I haven't seen much point in relying on the CBC as a credible platform for the voluminous evidence of those crimes. And sure enough, once again your chronic, adulterous union with Big Brother has produced yet another bastard child: namely, your after-the-fact, paltry depiction of the medical genocide at church-run Indian hospitals as just another litigation-bound case of "abuse" against Our Poor Indians.

I hope I'm not being too impudently un-Canadian when I point out that any media agency that habitually obfuscates official crimes in our Great White North to the extent that the CBC has done does not get to claim the mantle of credible journalism. But be that as it may, and it usually is, I'd like to point out a number of glaring errors, omissions and misrepresentations in your story on crimes at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital and similar facilities across Canada. I'm doing so on the basis of more than twenty years of on the ground research, documentation and countless interviews with the actual survivors of these hospitals and their associated "Indian residential schools": research that your agency has studiously ignored since the summer of 1998, when it was first offered to the CBC.

First of all, the Indian hospitals weren't government facilities. They were established and run by medical missionaries of the United and Anglican churches in conjunction with the military, specifically the Defense Research Board in Ottawa. Your article doesn't mention the churches or the army at all. Well gee now, I wonder why? Did somebody say Project Paperclip?

Second, you uncritically present the official line, that these hospitals were "tuberculosis treatment" facilities. Wrong. That was their cover. Every witness I've interviewed says that they didn't suffer from TB at all and were incarcerated there as children in healthy condition. They were then either deliberately infected with TB or used in drug testing, mind control, sensory deprivation or sterilization experiments by Army and Church doctors. Dr. James Goodbrand, who worked at the Nanaimo hospital, was quoted as saying to patient Sarah Modeste just before he made her infertile, "I get paid $300 by the government for every Indian woman I sterilize." Lots of women and children died from these horrors and were buried in secret on the hospital grounds. Again, there's no mention of this in your article, despite it being common knowledge among Vancouver island survivors.

Next, rather than describe what went on in these death camps as undeniable genocide, your account spins the whole nightmare as if it's just another case of unfortunate "abuse" that the right words and monetary compensation can make all better. Your article even quotes the salivating, waiting-in-the-wings personal injury lawyers and their planned billion-dollar class action lawsuit against Ottawa. But surely even you guys know from experience that lawsuits are just the perpetrators' convenient way of getting legally indemnified and absolved for any consequences for their crimes, as the entire "Truth and Reconciliation" fiasco has proved ad nauseum over the past decade.

For you to even present this medical genocide as a legally-actionable issue is to deliberately mislead Canadians. For in case you haven't bothered to pick up a phone to check, the Canadian government officially sealed all of the records of the Indian hospitals in the spring of 1999, soon after our first independent tribunal into these horrors released its report. In fact, as early as 1965, special church and government "document destruction teams" have systematically wiped clean the evidence of experiments, deaths and punishments at residential schools and Indian hospitals. This crucial history is not mentioned by your journalists.

Clearly, there was and is a lot of dirt to hide in the Indian hospitals. And the CBC is lending its usual hand in helping conceal these crimes by not mentioning them for years, and then functioning as a public censor of the real story.

Here's a case in point: the "expert" source you quote in your article is Laurie Meijer Drees, a "Native Studies" academic from the college immediately adjacent to the grounds of the Nanaimo Indian Hospital: Vancouver Island University (VIU). Well guess what, boys and girls? In recent weeks, the very same woman, in league with her fellow ab-original functionary Louise Mandell, the VIU Chancellor, suppressed an article in the campus newspaper The Navigator entitled "Who and What is Buried next to VIU: Genocide in our own Backyard". The article quoted eyewitness Joan Morris, who was imprisoned in the hospital for nearly a decade, as saying, "Lots of people were dying in there. Every morning they were taking little bodies out of the wards on those metal gurneys. My cousin Nancy Joe saw them bury those kids in the field behind us, up near the highway." The VIU apparatchiks, Ms. Drees and Ms. Mandell, had these words and the entire issue of The Navigator scooped up by campus security to prevent students from reading such evidence of the real crime.

Now here's the thing: This rapid, on the ground censorship of the real Nanaimo Indian Hospital story on the verge of the official national spin-doctoring of the issue by the CBC couldn't just be a big, frigging coincidence, could it?

An equally glaring problem about the CBC's pretense at reporting this issue is that your account is so completely dated. Ever since June of 1998, all of the stories and evidence about the Indian hospitals quoted in your article have been known and made public by our own independent inquiry into genocide in Canada.

For instance, Ainjil Hunt, whom you cite in your article, told me exactly the same account of her mother's torture over ten years ago in my home in Nanaimo. Her words, and those of many other survivors, have been published by me for many years, along with everything else you'll need to expose the real story of genocide in Canada. And considering the slothful nature of your average Canadian journalist, I've even made it easy for you to do so. It's all posted at and described in my dozen or more books and our documentary film on genocide in Canada.

Of course, you know all this already and yet have refused to report any of our evidence or the testimony of our hundreds of eyewitnesses. In that sense, you've been a willing accessory to the crime. But now that lawyers and spin-doctors have their hands on the issue, and the culprits of church, state and corporation can once again get away with their crime with a bit of litigation, the whole bloody mess has apparently become "newsworthy" in the mind of the CBC. For as long as is politically expedient, at least.

The method and game plan in this latest spin doctoring is identical to the residential schools fiasco, in which mass murder was absolved with an apology and some pay cheques, and not a single killer or church-state official ever went to trial, let alone jail. But this time the stakes are even higher, since the medical murder in these hospitals involved the Americans, the CIA's Paperclip scientists and their big pharmaceutical corporate partners that ran and profited off the drug testing, sterilizations and other experiments done on children like Joan Morris.

And so once again, thanks to the CBC, the full story of the Canadian genocide is continuing to stay hidden, and the killers are winning the day, at least within our own borders. The witnesses are almost gone, the mass graves are mostly dug up or forgotten, and the erasing of history is itself being erased. But fortunately, a higher accountability and power is at work. It's called international law.

On April 15 of this year, governments around the world will be asked to begin an embargo and sanctions campaign against Canada and its churches for their crimes against the innocent. Already found guilty of genocide in an international court in 2013, Canada and its sponsors in London and Rome could soon begin to face political and economic heat for their felonies. As will the CBC.

And so, since the writing is on the wall, people, what do you have to lose by reporting the whole truth and nothing but the truth for a change? When the crows do finally come home to roost, you have to at least appear to have done the right thing. And being Canadians, you're good at creating appearances, at least.

Oh, Canada.

​Nanaimo Indian Hospital survivor Joan Morris, from an interview 2007