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By Cynthia McIntosh

Success With McIntosh

Do you find yourself often looking back to the "good old days"?  Where do you spend most or your time - in your past, in your present, or in your future?

Well, today let's take a trip down memory lane and look into the past, to when you were the happiest.  Spend some time reviewing those memories, and answer the following questions.  Take some time, and really journal...don't just breeze through them.  I think if you take your time on this, it will be rather enlightening.

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters discusses how to use humor in relationships and all aspects of your life.

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters will be discussing how to apply the life changing principles of Unconditional Love. We will learn about courses, trainings and retreats in this area and how you can apply loving principles to your life and relationships.

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters and Guest Susan McCord (aka Dear Sybersue) Dating/Relationship/Lifestyle Talk Show Host, Certified Life Coach, & Advice Columnist discuss what you need to know about dating and relationships in today's world.

Advice on how to date and how to connect better with your partner, especially in today's faced-paced, technology driven world.

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters discusses the serious and humorous side of relationships with Life Coach Glenn Ambrose. We discuss healthy relationships from a male perspective and how to deal with male emotions, and much more from the male view point.

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters and Lyn Smith-Queen of HEARTS discussing relationship intimacy and male and female energy patterns

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters discussing relationships and how to have the greatest ones no matter what your love life situation.

Life Changing Decisions

You need courage for change and the bigger the change, the more courage you will need. Tonight, let's talk about increasing your courage in order for you to make those big decisions for the change you desire.

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters discussing happiness and the 5 prescriptions for happiness with Executive Happiness Coach Jim Smith.

Cheryl Sherman and I will be discussing her book and how we all can FIND OUR BLISS.

Cheryl's Bio: My favorite saying is, 'Find Your Bliss!' That's what I'm doing as I write my Ocean Depths series. It's fun, like reading one of my favorite novels as it unfolds before me. I want to entertain my intended audience and take them out of their world into the fantasy world I've created.