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The X Show with Tony Xu and Donna Xu

Today we're exploring the impacts of minicults and the influence they can have over people. Peter Young will discuss his life in a minicult with his memoir "Stop The Tall Man, Save The Tiger". Co-Host Donna Xu will be leading this episode's interview.

At last Tuesday's episode of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" we focused on "The Within"  We shared a story that I wrote many years ago based on the image/metaphor of a Geod.  The story is called, "The Doegs" and is about a "craggy bunch of creatures who are afraid to look within, until they are forced to with surprising results.

I also shared a poem I wrote called, "The Within"  Here are a few lines from the poem, but if you click on this program you'll hear the the whole poem with music along with some wonderful songs and our usual banter.

How powerful and important are our feelings? Beginning with his original poem, "Feelings, the Language of Relationship," Rochelle and Errol probe this all important (and sometimes all-consuming) human expression.  The program also features the poem "Hope" put to music.--a very haunting and rich journey into the loss of hope and its "resurrection."  Listen to this show and expereince the Striders' usual blend of thoughtful conversation, some amazing music and, of course, the Striders' unique brand of whimzy and comical perspectives.

In this episode off "Insight Out, the Naked Truth" we find our hero and heroine really stepping out into the unknown to see what's out there. With a rich variety of music and their usual combination of penetrating insights and silliness, the Striders probe the mystery.  Find out what they've discovered about our universe potential.

"The Exchange"

Everything that happens is a result of an exchange.  Improving the quality of those exchanges improves the quality of our lives. Please join us this next Tuesday as we probe the subject of making the exchange.  I trust that your life will be richer for it. 

Even better, if you have a story of an especially meaningful exchange that you've had in your life.  Send it to us and we'll share it with or without your name attached--as you prefer.

Oh, and BTW, it is April Fool's day so, you can expect some "tomfoolery."

This coming Tuesday night's program is called The Journey. We plan to take a look at our lives from the perspective of being on a grand adventure. What is the nature of that journey and how do we make the most of it? As the Urantia book says,

"In entering Sidon, Jesus and his associates passed over a bridge, the first one many of them had ever seen. As they walked over this bridge, Jesus, among other things, said: “This world is only a bridge; you may pass over it, but you should not think to build a dwelling place upon it.”

"Playing Your Part"--that's the the topic of this week's, "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" with Rochelle and Errol. Please join us tomorrow night to explore your role in the larger scheme of things, and perhaps laugh a little at some of the roles you may have been playing on this world's stage...we'll be featuring one of our most popular sketches, "Roles of Our LIves"--be prepared to laugh a lot and gain insight and perhaps clarify your TRUE role on the stage of evolution!!!!

How would like to wake up and see a brand new world. A world full of possibilities, joy, love and wonder.  A world capable of respect, justice, honesty and kindness.  How that could be your world. Well, guess what? That world is available to you right now.  All that it requires is one very simple shift of perception.  Find out what that shift is and how you can make it on our upcoming show, March 10, when the topic will be "Innocent Perception."

Our program on March 4 deals with the issue of change.  Why change, how to change, but mostly--strengthening the motivation to change.  As A Course in Miracles suggests, "Strengthening the motivation to change is the first step......"

"First step to what?"  You may ask. First step to the utterly life altering shift to a spiritual orientation. In others words, making the shift from fear to love.