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Breaking News Communique
Issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Monday, May 6, 2019 - 2200 hrs GMT

Lest We Forget

Six Martyrs of the campaign to expose and prosecute

Genocide in Canada:


Puppet native politicians shut down play on Vancouver Island genocide; Producers vow to continue

Breaking News, Friday July 21, 2017

Duncan, British Columbia

The first attempt to stage a play about medical experimentation on aboriginal children by Canadian church and state has been derailed by two state-funded native politicians with a long history of complicity in genocide.

Duty to Warn 

A regular column by Gary Kohls, M.D.

Nativity - A moving Christmas memory by Kevin Annett

"a good and decent man, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it." – Ted Kennedy, eulogizing his assassinated brother Bobby in 1968

If you do nothing else this week, please watch an episode of a great television series: “The Brain with David Eagleman.” It is all about the new known about the brain and its mechanics. You will want to watch the whole series. This last week’s episode was all about how our brains are wired to be social and what that means.  It is an hour long. Your inner conversations will continue long afterwards.  

Title: Reclaiming our World/ Canonization of Junipero Serra & Genocide