Lest We Forget these six brothers and sisters killed by Canadian police and state-church agents: More coming in a special report
Lest We Forget
Six Martyrs of the campaign to expose and prosecute
Genocide in Canada:
Harriett Nahanee
William Combes
Johnny "Bingo" Dawson
Ricky Lavallee
Harry Wilson
Chief Louis Daniels
Posted by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
itccs.org , murderbydecree.com
These six aboriginal activists were all survivors of the murderous, church-run "Indian residential schools" and active members of the campaign to expose and prosecute these crimes by the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada.
They were all organizers with the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD), a forerunner to the ITCCS, and led or participated in protests and non-violent occupations of these churches.
They were all eyewitnesses to killings or burials of children at Indian residential schools.
All of them died of foul play at the hands of the Vancouver police, hospital staff, church agents or other unknown parties.
Harriett Nahanee, died of induced pneumonia in Surrey Remand prison, February 24, 2007; Genocide survivor. First eyewitness to a residential school murder to go public; Co-founder with Kevin Annett of the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD), Vancouver; led occupations of the Catholic, Anglican and United churches shortly before her death.
William Combes, died of lethal injection, St. Paul's Catholic hospital, Vancouver, February 26, 2011; Genocide survivor. Eyewitness of killings and of the abduction of ten aboriginal children by Elizabeth Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the Kamloops Catholic residential school; public leader of the FRD and church occupations; died shortly before giving public testimony about the 1964 abductions.
Johnny "Bingo" Dawson, died of police beating, Vancouver, December 9, 2009. Genocide survivor. Eyewitness to killings and rapes at Anglican Alert Bay residential school. Prominent leader of FRD and Vancouver church occupations. Threatened with death by United Church minister Gary Paterson and a Vancouver police sergeant less than two weeks before he was killed.
Ricky Lavallee, eyewitness to killings at Catholic residential schools in Manitoba. Eyewitness to the fatal beating of Johnny Bingo Dawson. Died of blows to the head and chest, February 2, 2012. Genocide survivor and FRD member, participant in Vancouver church occupations.
Harry Wilson (left), died of unknown causes, April 6, 2012. Genocide survivor. Eyewitness to mass burials and murder of children at United Church Alberni residential school. FRD member.
Chief Louis Daniels, died suddenly of unknown causes in Victoria General Hospital, May 16, 2010. Genocide survivor. Public opponent of state-funded, drug dealing native politicians in Manitoba. Eyewitness to mass killings at United Church and Catholic residential schools. Co-founder of FRD.