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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 10 May 2021

Stop Guessing About Your Health with Dr Richard Needle

Stop Guessing About Your Health with Dr. Richard Needle
Dr. Richard Needle

Why Dowse with a Pendulum?

The ancient art and science of dowsing with a Pendulum has been used in America to detect and treat disease since 1922. Unlike other forms of treatment, dowsing will detect body weaknesses in their infancy, as well as diseases in later stages with pinpoint accuracy!

Stop Guessing About Your Health is an offering from Dr. Richard Needle, Ph.D., — a Nutritionist with over 25 years of experience treating, and helping people of all ages with their general health and nutritional well being.

Why use Dr. Needle's Stop Guessing About Your Health Program?

Using a pendulum, Dr. Richard Needle can receive insight and detect certain energy vibrations to assess the overall health condition of your body with the highest accuracy. He has over a decade of experience helping clients regain their health through the use of the Pendulum and other health assessment tools.Dr. Needle Ph.D. is a Doctor of Nutrition and a Nurtitional Intuitive. He is a member of the American Society of Nutritional and Dietary Consultants. He has taught Nutrition at Emory Senior University in Atlanta, and is a Minister of the Universal Brotherhood.

Dr. Needle's Stop Guessing About Your Health Program offers several advantages:

- Pinpoint accuracy of information for ONLY your body
- Stop Guessing About Your Health addresses underlying causes of disease
- Program offered in person or by phone
- Only one main session required with minimal follow up sessions
- Reasonable cost
- Free consultation

What are the underlying causes of disease?

Thru many years of dowsing, Dr. Needle has determined that the 6 leading causes of disease, in decending order, are:

1. Incompatible Lectins(will explain,below)
2. Nutritional Deficiences
3. Build-up of Toxins
4. Emotional Health
5. Genetic Factors
6. Lack of Exercise

Dr. Needle's Stop Guessing About Your Health Program helps prevent or greatly improve the following health conditions:

- Chronic Fatigue
- Acid Reflux
- Arthritis
- Bronchitis
- High Blood Pressure
- Pain
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Osteoporosis
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Glaucoma
- Infertility
- And many more... Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Libido
- Macular Degeneration
- Shingles
- Thyroid
- Parkinson's Disease
- as well as Prevention


1. Incompatible Lectins
2. Nutritional Deficiences
3. Build-up of Toxins

About Dr. Needle's Stop Guessing About Your Health Program:

Dr. Needle's Stop Guessing About Your Health Program addresses the top three causes of disease: Incompatible Lectins, Nutritional Deficiencies, and Build-Up of Toxins

First, using a Pendulum, he will dowse more than 500 Proteins, Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Nuts, Condiments, etc.for you and YOUR particular body. You will then be given a personalized eating plan that will enable you to concentrate on eating high vibrational beneficial foods, avoiding those that are not right/compatible for you.

Much of Dr. Needle's own research has focused on a 100-year-old science called "Lectinology" Lectinology is the study of lectins, which are protein chemicals found in every food. When we digest food,if lectins are compatible, normal digestion occurs. If the lectins are incompatible, a "clumping" of the blood takes place in various areas of the body, depending upon your genetic predispositions. Dr. Needle's experience has shown incompatible Lectins to be the origin of disease.

Next, Dr. Needle will provide the exact nutrients for underlying causes of disease. These nutrients will provide a high vibrational frequency to highly resonate with your body for optimum healing. In turn, these nutrients will help eliminate toxins in the body,the 3rd leading cause of disease.

After following Dr. Needle's recommendations, you will begin to live with optimum health, having increased energy, greater stamina, and an overall sense of well being.

Dr. Needle and his wife are in their 70's, and neither take over-the-counter or perscription drugs, because they do not need them.

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Dr. Richard Needle PhD
Radio Talk Show Host,

Biography from:

Dr. Richard Needle, Ph.D
Dr. Needle has an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Emory University and a Master's and Doctorate in Nutrition from the American College of Holistic Health. He has taught Nutrition at Emory Senior University. In the early 90's he was the famous Southeastern Juice Man.

He has been a guest on numerous health related radio and television programs around the country and conducts his own seminars on nutrition and health.

Dr. Needle and his wife, Jackie are the founders of Anti-Aging Plus, a company dedicated to providing highly effective, nutritional supplements from completely natural food sources.

"I've made a career of seeking out nutritional products that are safe and effective for my patients and myself to feel better, look better, and reverse the aging process. Each discovery has made a profound difference. People think I am fifteen years younger than I am, and I feel twenty years younger! It's very exciting to have all the energy I have now. Plus, my energy is more balanced. As an example, when I go to bed at night, I sleep more soundly."
Credentials and Private Practice

Ph.D from Clayton University, formally The American College of Holistic Health
Member of: The American Society of Nutritional and Dietary Consultants
Certified in Nutritional Science Proficiency from the College of Life Science

There are three basic types of healing:

Traditional Medicine
Treating Symptoms with Drugs and Surgery
Alternative Healing (also treat symptoms using natural substances)

My program removes causes rather than treating symptoms. I work with an individual's genetics. It's customized for YOUR specific genetics. Call for a FREE Initial Consultation.