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Cobra Questions and Answers. Transcript of this interview is available on our site: Interview Transcripts

Rob Potter: Rob has been researching healing and consciousness for over 40 years. He has given seminars all over the world including Egypt, Canada, Germany and USA. He has been experiencing UFO contacts since 1975 with DR. Fred Bell in Laguna Beach at the age of 18. He has traveled extensively is search for truth and has spent time with Sai Baba in India.


Co-Founder of and is featured in the paradigm-shifting documentary Sirius.

Jay Essex and Alexandra Meadors interview Part 2! This covers a mixture of topics about our matrix and the differences between the dimensions. Jay shares some interesting perspectives on the angelic realm, ascended masters, and galactic brothers and sisters, really defining the differences between them and us. Again, there is just too much to list but you should get a chuckle out of some of our time together.

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.

Jo ANN Richards is the Executive Director of educational non-profit Earth Defense Headquarters.  Her husband, Mark Richards, and his father, Ellis Loyd Richards, were involved with top-level military intelligence operations since World War II. Many of these operations included on-world and off-world contact and battles with various alien species.

The Galactic Roundtable with Elizabeth Trutwin

Dr. Sasha Lessin and his wife Janet Lessin, brought us up to speed on many planetary and inter-planetary occurrences.  Janet shared a story about an abduction experience, and Sasha filled us in on the Annunaki, and their true relationship - often adversarial, to the human race.  We're assured that Source is directing the plays here, and that many races are working to assist with the enormous shift we are going through now.  This is a must hear, for those who like to be "in the k_now".  Be sure to check out their websites above!  Both have exciting new books out...

Stargate Round Table

2nd Hour Interview with Craig Campobosso