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Donal O'Neill on Life Changes with Filippo!

Donal O’Neill’s father, Kevin O’Neill, an Irish gaelic football star from the 1960s, won the first of 2 All Ireland Championships with the Down Senior Football Team in 1960 before the biggest crowd (94,000) ever seen at an Irish sporting event.

When Kevin suffered a heart attack later in life, family and friends were shocked. How does a lean, fit and seemingly healthy man – who has sailed through cardiac stress tests – suddenly fall victim to heart disease?

Soul Ignitor, Intuitive Healer, Alchemist, Energetic Soul Psychology, Conscious Evolutionary Guide, Writer, Radio Show host, TV, Journey Leader, Transdimensional, Spokesperson, Inspirational Speaker, Animal Communicator, Wisdom Keeper, Author & Yogini
Celeste Yarnall has led a multi-faceted career. She began as a model, spokesperson, and actress fresh out of high school. She was discovered by Rick and Ozzie Nelson while walking past their offices at General Service Studios in Hollywood and appeared in an episode of “Ozzie & Harriet” in 1962. Jerry Lewis personally selected this young beauty casting her as one of the students in "The Nutty Professor." Paramount then cast her in a cameo role in "A New Kind Of Love" with Paul Newman.

Life Changes with Filippo with FIlippo Voltagio and guests of the documentary film, HUMANO - Join me and Alan Stivelman and Ingrid Pokropek

GARY AUSTIN is the Founder and Original Director of The Groundlings, Los Angeles’ premier character-based improvisational theatre company. Gary began his professional career as a performing member of San Francisco’s famed improvisational company, The Committee, where he worked with Second City’s Del Close.

Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio on BBS Radio!

Jeff Hays began making films back in the late nineties.  He is most known for Fahrenhype 9/11 (2004), a response to Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, and On Native Soil (2006), a documentary focusing on the passionate demand of the surviving family members of 9/11 victims, for an official investigation into the 9/11 attacks.  This documentary which was narrated by Kevin Costner and Hillary Swank was short-listed for an Academy Award.
Writer, documentary film producer, visionary and humanitarian

Monday - Jan. 14, 2013 — Don Perry is a writer/producer for Chimpanzee Productions, Inc., an independent film and multimedia company dedicated to producing unique audio-visual experiences that illuminate the human condition and the search for identity, family and spirituality. He also writes short fiction/fantasy/paranormal novellas.  Prior to his involvement in film, Mr. Perry was an experienced financial and management consultant with a wide ranging background in commercial finance. Mr.

SUNDAY May 1—9:00 PM Eastern - Elizabeth met Richard Schoeller on January 7, 2011, on the TV Production set of a newly planned program. He was the "other psychic" who would be with her on the panel for this pilot production. The minute she spoke with Richard she felt, he was one of the most interesting, honorable, and spiritual psychic mediums she had ever met, and she has met THOUSANDS! His life goal is to communicate with the "other side" and help people put their minds and hearts at peace.