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Michael Fitzhugh Bell discussed what it is like to be a Targeted Individual.  His book, "The Invisible Crime: Illegal Microchip Implants and Microwave Technology and their Use Against Humanity", is available at Amazon Books.  "The Invisible Crime - Part Two - A Targeted Individual, Synthetic Telepathy and Global Criminal Biomedical Human Experimentation - A True Story", is the sequel to Michael Fitzhugh Bell's first book, soon to be available.

Threshold Radio with Johnny Blue Star

Hugo Rodier, M.D. was featured on our second Threshold Radio broadcast. As in Dr. Rodier’s books, blogs and broadcasts (he has his own podcasting show, there was a recurrent theme that scientists are now discovering that the new paradigms of health are highly connected to both modern physics and also to ancient concepts that presuppose a spiritual matrix, often connected with the energy of light, whose visible power shines in this world but with much of its true nature hidden behind the fabric of the physical world.

John provided a wealth of material, not unlike the unfolding of a Sherlock Holmes mystery, revealing some of the hidden sides of life.  Fascinating work and show!

Remote Viewer, Author, Teacher and Metaphysical Investigator
Author, CEO of Slater Success, where she advises C-Suite executives and upper level managers to create clear strategies that provide instant impact in their sales teams and on their bottom line.
Sound Healing with David Gibson

Sound Healing with David Gibson

Topic: ​An Overview of Sound Healing - a full perspective