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George Kavassilas returns to cover a vast array of topics relating to two basic paths:  technological and organic, and the choices each person is confronted with.  An uplifting, yet realistic view of what's happening on Planet Earth today, and how to navigate choppy waters.

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective
Dr Lana and Det David Love speak with Michael Reynolds, creator of the Earthship bioecture self-sustainable living model.

Dr. Richard Allen Miller opened up on an array of topics including the dangers of the 5G network.

Angel Answers with Amy Toy

Angel Answers with Amy Toy

Guest, David Muecke

Author, Researcher, Alternative Agriculture, Physics, and Metaphysics
66 tips to reach your potential, Make contacts at conventions, seminars, and conferences, COOL THINGS ENTREPRENEURS DO
Sound Healing with David Gibson

Sound Healing with David Gibson

The Frequency of Oneness, to learn to be able to tune into multiple things at once