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As the Law of attraction becomes more and more popular, so does the law of frustration. You know what I'm talking about- when you know exactly what you want, focus on it, give thanks in advance for it, affirm it, envision it. and it still doesn't show up. I've noticed that the most common reason people are unable to attract what they want in life, is because they have an energy block. Join me as my guest Dale Ivory explains what is energy, how it works and what it means to us!

It has been said the whole world loves a winner! In life you do not get what you want. You get what you are. The best way to improve yourself is to change your thinking, because what you think determines what you do. What you do determines what you accomplish. Join me as we look deeper into our thoughts and how they create the world in which we live!

Professor, Adjunct Instructor, Served as a Youth Pastor, Philosopher, PhD in Theology and Apologetics, Biblical Studies
UFO Contactee, Photographer, Conscious Channel, Clairvoyant, Medium, Mystic Artist, Soul Traveler, Animal Intuitive
Regressionist, Spiritualist, Guide to Self Healing
Writer, Researcher, Filmmaker, Musician, Inspirational Speaker
Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychic, Card Reader
NZ Diploma in Physiotherapy, Diploma of Natural Healing Sciences in Auric Healing, Doctor of Religion, Light Energy Specialist
Multi-Dimensional Psychic Medium, Trance-Channeler, Reiki Master
Neuro-Surgeon, Shaman, Author, Chief Ambassadors of the Mayans' Cultural Wisdom, Myan Expert, Heart Transplant Survivor