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Clinical herbalist Thea Summer Deer joins Francine Milano to talk about the energy of plants and how herbs in many forms help balance our lives and well-being. Several common ailments are also discussed.

Fasten your seat belts, because Penny Kelly reveals information regarding our current timeline:  starting now in 2014 to 2021.   We briefly glimpse 2021 to 2080 and the last jump takes us to 2413!  We discuss the consciousness of humans, of Gaia-Sophia, how Crop Circles, false flags and WW3.  I ask about the Shift from a multi-dimensional view, where the internet assists with our ability to commune consciously, as the forerunner of telepathy.

Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope

Honor Your Pet with with L. Leigh Meriweather and guests Dr. Nancy Kay (speaking for Spot) and Cindy Smith an animal communicator.

The Galactic Roundtable with Beth Trutwin on BBS Radio!

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest, Nick Pope and topics covering UFOs in England, Flying Saucers, UFO Encounters, etc..