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Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

David and Lana get into things deep and take on the gender issues!

Tonight on Universal Soul Love we'll look at how the genders stand in today's modern, or not so modern world.

- Are gender differences still relevant?

- Are they important . . . are they useful?

- Does it help romance or kill it?

- Are we gradually evolving into genderless beings?

- Are there differences in the gender relations in different countries - say America and . . . Australia down under???

Professional speaker, Spiritual Teacher,Life & Business Coach,best selling Author

March 18, 2008 Original Airing Date on BBS Radio

This weeks Paradigm Shifter is the beloved Ammagi, an ordained Hindu monk in the lineage of the Siddha Path. Ammagi is the channel for Mafu but today it is Ammagi's beautiful words we are fortunate enough to hear. Ammagi and Veronica discuss the shifting tide of consciousness on the planet, our role as intentional beings in that shift and the love and service we can bring to one another. This is an inspiring and powerful interview.

ET-First Contact Radio with Martaan Horst and special guest Ron Head

Back 2 Eden

Interview with Tom Paladino and short testimonials by Randy Cox, (hepatitis C virus eradicated with PCR test confirmed) and Dr. Jeanette Gallagher, Naturopathic Doctor

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr. Susan Kolb interviewing special guest Miriam Knight

Discussing: “What Wags the World: Tales of Conscious Awakening”