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The Bad Date Show with Meagan Gillett

The Bad Date Show with Summer Rose Horan, Natalia Jablokov, Melinda Rodriguez and Mandy Nowitz

Topic: Sex on the First Date

Episode 1

YouTube video link:

Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we discuss the mystery of male/female relationships and how we can better connect with one another.


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we are going to change it up by having a panel of men discussing male sexuality and some of the pitfalls that many men these days are falling into as a result of changing times.


Barbara Hand Clow returns to talk about her latest trilogy:  the "Revelations" series.  We begin tonight with Revelations of the Ruby Crystal.  Barbara returns April 21st to talk about the release of the 2nd of the trilogy:  Revelations of the Aquarian Age.

Marriage & Communications Consultant
HIV/AIDS Speaker & Advocate, Host of "Put it Together" Podcast, HIV/AIDS Speaker & Advocate and more
UCLA trained registered nurse, Certified Professional Sex Coach, Core Energy Coach and Doctor of Human Sexuality
On The Level with JLouis Mills

On The Level with JLouis Mills with guest Dr Earl Carter

Dr. Earl William Carter, Sr. was born March 30, 1950 to George and Dorothy Carter, in the city of Charleston, South Carolina. He was the third child of five boys and one girl. Being a victim of a broken home, Dr. Carter and his brothers were thrust into a life of crime at an early age, which resulted in multiple arrests.