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For the Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe

For The Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe, Show #17, on BBS Radio!

The LifeLine Technique™ is both an ancient and advanced complete system of transformation and wholeness.

It’s a philosophy, science, and quantum technology that bridges gaps between the conscious and subconscious mind. At the root of every symptom, stress and disease is a subconscious emotional pattern of reaction. When activated this pattern of reaction will cause both behavioral and biological stressors. The cornerstone of the LifeLine Technique is our view of symptoms, stress and disease.

Holistic Physician, Developer of The LifeLine Technique®, Author and Educator

We will speak with Michael about his very unique story - a prostate cancer survivor who was rendered completely impotent as a result of the cancer and its treatment.

Mr. Russer asserts that what makes this an interesting and engaging human potential story is that because of his ED (erectile dysfunction) he now experience extraordinary physical and emotional intimacy with his partner beyond anything most normally functioning couples could possibly imagine.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's show began with revisitng the teaching of the Buddha: The cup is already broken, or as Shusara would say, the only thing permanent here is impermanence. Shusara answered the question of how ego is different from mind. We then looked at the need for people to begin objectively observing their own personality and stop playing the victim role. Having a sense of humor and living in kindness were both encouraged and elaborated on.

The process of awaking up from the "control matrix" of the mass media and corporate/governmental manipulations  is nothing less then activating our own spiritual "codes" which are embedded in our  DNA.   
The unused portions of our DNA that were previously hammered "off line" are currently reconnecting on the etheric level.   This is related to the rising level of energy on the planet and is reflected in the growing
public awareness that is beginning to question the traditional authority figures around us.

Author/Professor/Motivational Speaker