Alexandra talks from the heart about Rev Pam, Jerry Yusko and the Implant Removal Process.
Sound Healing with David Gibson with special guest
For the Love of Dog with Janice Wolf
ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode featured the idea of navigating through the mine fields of life in North America on Planet Earth in 2014. It includes the amazing idea of placing our water in Pyramids for healing and anti-aging purposes.
Shusara spends time tonight in reference to channeling by Kryon. The reality of "History Energy" is changing and those who do dissolution work are facilitating that change. It is of the utmost imortance that seekers recognize that everything is God... even within polarization. It's all a matter of degrees, not black and white. Shusara also addresses how students of the work bring their understandings into their lives. Them just living their lives from deeper understandings IS their spiritual path and they can be of service to the collective regardless of what they do in the world.
New Realities with Douglas Newsom Brian Clement the Hippocrates Institute Director - Transforming America
Universal Soul Love with David and Lana Love with special guest Jonah Bolt
Admirable Friends with with Buddy and Carol Fichera
A Workshop on Journaling
This weeks conversation is about: THE CONTEMPLATION JOURNAL