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I'll discuss Internal Happiness vs External Happiness, why striving for happiness instead of joy is better for most people, and why happiness isn't predominantly your state of being today.

Flying is not just for fairies!  The magic of an OPENED heart and mind!

This is the time! What if all the opportunities you’ve ever wanted were laid at your feet? Are you truly ready to claim your divine empowerment and live the best life ever? Sri and Kira will share their stories and many years of experience to support you as you make this very important, life-changing choice.  Are you ready to fly?  Join us this week and learn the ‘Art of Soaring’ and what that means. As always, our phone lines are open for questions and sharing and the gift of Kira’s mini soul readings!

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode centered around Healing, the Chigong center in China, Andara Crystals, vibrational healing discoveries, Egyptian Healing Rods and the Maharishi Effect. 

The Holistic Health Show with Dr. Carl O. Helvie and special guest Dr. Harry Milman

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr. Susan Kolb and Tom T. Moore

Discussing: The Gentle Way III

Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett and Tara & Rama and guests, Caroline Jones, Cheryl Croche, Cathy Lauren, D'Yanna, Angel Sue, and special guest Michael King

Natural Solutions Radio with Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - Friday's show!