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Conscious Conversations Joan Newcomb and Janet Barrett

Tonight on ‘Conscious Conversations’, Joan and Janet are talking about their respective journeys in Consciousness. They’ll be sharing who they are and why they do what they do. Their stories can help you understand what is happening in your life today. Join them in delving deeper into this expansive realm. In shifting your awareness to operating as Consciousness, your life can be totally transformed.

Quyn's Empowerment Hour with Quyn Lê Erichsen

Mark Waldman, an expert in neuroscience, shares with us some powerful tips and tricks to change our brain so to cope with anxiety, negative thoughts and stress and enhance self-esteem and productivity.

Founder and Executive Director of (ARC) Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, Patent Lawyer in the Bay Area and practices Human Rights Law in California.

Is male or female circumcision an outdated religious/cultural practice?  Sunday, March 6 on ‘SHADOW POLITICS’ at 4pm PST / 7pm EST – Mr. Steven Svoboda, Founder and Executive Director of ARC (Attorneys for the Rights of the Child) will be our guest addressing the issue of genital integrity.  ARC is a non-profit organization founded to secure equal protection for, and broaden judicial and public recognition of, children’s legal and human rights to bodily integrity and self-determination. ARC also focuses on female genital mutilation also known as FGM.

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

You know it is time to be living your dream life, yet find yourself asking why you are still not experiencing an enchanted life of oneness in every moment. Sometimes the surrender into the oneness while at the same time being present in your daily physical life can seem challenging...yet you know it is obtainable!

To quote a mom and writer, Maxine Spence, conversations about death can be some of the most nourishing, life-enhancing discussions we have, but death is rarely talked about until a health crisis arrives and, often, not even then. Our birth is pure chance, but our death an absolute certainty. Please join me and Phil Carpenter from Washington D.C. Home and Hospices and listen to us let’s talk about it tomorrow on Social Work Today with Shirley Tabb at!

Manager of Psychosocial Services for Community Hospices