Det David and Dr Lana Love interview life coach Alchemyst Mystique. They discuss the overwhelming, confusing, yet intriguing topic phenomenon known as the 'Multiple Self'.
The Multiple Self is a collective soul that is comprised of a number of personalities, existing on multiple levels: co-existing as the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine and multiple conscious selves. They can be traumatically and spiritually created, from within this lifetime, as well as from different lifetimes both past and future.
Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters & Julie Peters
The Messenger with Carolyn Evers providing caller free spiritual reading, past life readings
Quyns Empowerment Hour with Quyn Le Erichson
Title: Finding Meaning in Challenging Experiences
Description: Quyn shared her thoughts and ideas about ways we can make sense of very unpleasant or difficult experiences in our lives.
Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - SATURDAY
Join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca as they discuss spiritual places and how they can help your spiritual journey while also keeping the messages of A Course in Miracles in mind. We specifically talk about Mt. Shasta and Sedona, AZ throughout the show. Enjoy!
Show Title: Evolution or “Status Quo”, time to move forward!
Description: Joy or depression? Evolution or Devolution? What is the current trend in your life? Spiritual growth is a journey and at times it seems that we are standing still and at other times we feel the joy of our evolution. We can correct the unproductive trends if we pay attention and apply the tools of our spiritual nature.
Natural Solutions Radio with Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph
Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - FRIDAY