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Physicist, Mathematician, Cosmologist, Environmental Engineer, Planner, International Consultant, Environmental Science Doctorate, Advisor, Author, Scholar, Scientist, Philospher, Editor, Assessor, Hydrologist, Consciousness Explorer
Engineer, Doctor in Physics, Space Researcher, Scientist, Writer, Experimentalist, Gravity Control Theorist, Author
Author, Composer, Speaker, Playwright, Artist, Spiritual Teacher, Disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Superconsciousness Researcher, Meditation Expert
Teacher, Consciousness Researcher, NDE Investigator, Author
Scientist, Inventor, Public Speaker, Nurse, Activist, Researcher
Filmmaker, Director, Producer, Composer, Editor, Spiritual Experiencer
Cetacean Researcher, Dolphin Communications Expert, Delphin Tel-Empathic Communication Authority, Psychologist, Shaman, Scientist, Educator, Author, Producer
Systems Analyst, Sacred Geometry Expert, Inventor, Lecturer, Consciousness Explorer, Consultant
Author, Editor in Chief, Explorer, Archeologist, Historian
Teacher, Consultant, Executive Coach, Leadership Trainer, Kinesiologist, Alternative Media Investigator, Founder of Project Camelot, Producer, Director