The Debut of ZERO POINT with Dr. Christopher Holmes on BBS Radio!
Dr Carl O. Helvie was diagnosed with lung cancer and given 6 months to live by his primary care physician and specialist 32 years ago. Refusing chemotherapy and surgery he elected instead to use a holistic alternative approach. He has continued this approach and now at age 76 he has no chronic illnesses and no prescribed medications. To put this in context research shows that 89% of all people over age 65 have chronic illnesses and prescribed medications and the average for those at age 75 is 3 chronic illnesses and 5 prescribed medications.
Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph Traditional Naturopath, - Not Licensed in the State of Texas
Sir, Professor, Eliezer Ben-Joseph N.D, D.Sc., M.D. (MA), (Medicina Alternativa)
Professor; Open International University Of Complimentary Medicine
Board Certified Naturopath
Debut of The Metaphysical Hour talk show with Dolores Cannon and Julia Cannon on BBS Radio!