Dr. Pressman's philosophy of treatment is the releasing the statue from the stone...the inner potential of the human being.
With over 50 years of compassionate experience, Dr. Pressman has developed what he refers to as Spiritual Psychotherapy. This combines the best of traditional western practices with the high and powerful regions of the mind. Through this approach you will discover your hidden hooks and hang-ups of learned inhibitions as well as identify those scars left over from previous emotional injuries. By finding and respecting the natural buoyancy of the soul, you will release those hooks, hang-ups and scars and find the hidden powers of the higher mind...the spiritual mind...the Supermind. This is not a religious approach but one which leads to releasing the best in you and in humankind.
Throughout his career, Dr. Pressman has examined the potential of the human mind and soul. His continued explorations within traditional psychiatry, holistic-spiritual psychotherapy and eastern philosophies has proven to be a wonderfully successful alternative to the sometimes limiting constraints of traditional western psychiatry.
His extensive list of case studies outline the most difficult issues faced by many of his patients... successfully treating patients when traditional western psychiatry practices and medicines had little impact, if at all.