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The Kickass Relationship Show with Midori Verity

Did you hit your 40’s and feel some how your energy level, mind clarity, and weight control were left behind in your 30’s? Expert in hormone health and nutrition, Nicki Williams, discusses the best foods to eat, exercise changes, and the number one worst thing for your health after 40. This is an episode ALL women will benefit from!

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters features Certified Relationship Coach Jianny Adamo discussing fearless love: You Are Wired To Love & Be Loved, Fearlessly 

Jianny Adamo's goal is to educate, empower, and enlighten individuals and couples to heal their heart’s wounds, to live free from the pain and powerlessness of the past, and to create safe and intimate marriages and Fearless Love.

Certified Relationship Coach

Were you ever told to "be nice" or to "play nicely?"

Any chance that turned into negating what you wanted in order to make other people happy? Today's show focuses on what you may be losing in life if you're still following that early "Be nice!" admonition.

Guest, Laura Jack, author of The Compassion Code, joins in to discuss the distinctions between compassionate and living up to the expectations of others. Big difference!

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To keep yourself safe in any relationship it is SO important to know yourself, your values, needs, and wants, so well that you can set and maintain strong boundaries. That means you have to be assertive.

The Kickass Relationship Show with Midori Verity

The Nomadic Boys share tips on how to transition smartly to living your dream life. They also talk about challenges for couples to be aware of and unique ways to make money, while living a nomadic lifestyle.

The boys give us tips for traveling on a budget and the more affordable destinations.

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves and guest Renée Gordon

In-demand speaker, Ordained Minister, Relationship & Love Coach

Relationship Help Show with Dr Rhoberta Shaler

​This episode we are talking in-depth about the dynamics you create by your mindset and emotional climate in your relationship with yourself, and with others. Good to listen to get more clarity right now.

My guest, Laura Rubinstein and I discuss the joys and pitfalls of compassion. Yes, there are pitfalls! Don't miss this.