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Dress for the life you want. Fashion with intention that is what we'll be discussing and a lot more.  Want to look your best?  Tune in for some fun suggestions. Fashion is what Tess Whitehurst is all about.

Intuitive Counselor, energy Worker, Feng Shui Consultant, & Author

Death - an experience all of us will have.  Can it be de-mystified and understood?  Echo has had personal experiences that she will talk about and we'll learn about her perceptions of the other side of this experience of life.

What is your Soul Story?  Can you access your past lives through Soul Writing?  How can it benefit you? Do you believe in past lives?  Can they be documented?

Those questions and more will be addressed with our guest.

Teacher, Masters in Transpersonal Studies

Rasha's story is a very personal one about how she went through years of transformation in her thinking and development of her higher self and understanding of how she could use the wisdom given to share with others a transformational awareness.  We'll travel with her through some of these events and learn how she adapted and grew into the international teacher of wisdom she is aclaimed to be.