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Jim Harold, a popular talk show host, has compiled 70 true life ghosts stories that people have shared with him on his show.  Want to be spooked?  Tune in.

Ronna Prince, a filmmaker, intuitive counselor and spiritual teacher, has taken on the challenge of sharing the story of her personal journey of opening up her heart to live life with more powerful purpose, passion and peace.  This film is very nicely done with a powerful messages shared by a number of prominent people...each of whom has walked their own journey of self-discovery.

Dress for the life you want. Fashion with intention that is what we'll be discussing and a lot more.  Want to look your best?  Tune in for some fun suggestions. Fashion is what Tess Whitehurst is all about.

Intuitive Counselor, energy Worker, Feng Shui Consultant, & Author

Death - an experience all of us will have.  Can it be de-mystified and understood?  Echo has had personal experiences that she will talk about and we'll learn about her perceptions of the other side of this experience of life.