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Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett

Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett and Tara & Rama, along with Caroline Jones "Rainbird" and Cathy Lauren

2nd hour guest: Omena

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg

Mediums & Messages with Doreen Molloy and guest Heidi Jaffe

Julian Rose, who was instrumental in getting GMO's banned in Poland, talks about the current times, BRICS, possible banking collapse, religions, prophecy and manufactured wars.  As always, eloquent and informed; a true champion of Organic Farming and of the countryside's peasant farmers, who he holds in high regard.  He has gone up against the EU in their defense, and written brilliant essays on a vast range of crucial topics, if humanity is to live - to transcend duality and control.

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick

Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace

Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace

Conscious Thought with Leo with Magdalena Winkler and guest Arno Pienaar,from Deprogramming the Matrix. Arno helps us to understand :

 What is Matrix and how the Matrix works