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Reverend Bill McDonald shares a wealth of life experiences - from Viet Nam and Agent Orange to more subdued tones of orange worn by his spiritual teachers, and his Guru!  An incredible life, going stronger with each year...

Radiance By Design with Veronica Entwistle, banner

Radiance By Design with Veronica Entwistle

The Messenger with Carolyn Evers and Dr. Richard Presser, banner

The Messenger with Carolyn Evers providing caller free spiritual reading, past life readings

Andrew Foss and Laura Walker inspired, enlightened and brought wisdom to the airwaves!  The creators of the daily Oracle Report share their experience in relating what's going on, what's coming and how to live empowered and in joy. You can find them at the link below, as well as on Facebook!

The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon

Interview with Jeroen, Source Energy Therapy

Writer, astrologer, Sabian symbols, Black Moon and Eris, website developer and co-creator of the Oracle Report