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Air Force Captain, Air Traffic Controller, Missile Launch Officer, Engineer, UFO Phenomenon Whitness
Psychic, Astrologer, Consultant, Former Senator
Author, Ufologist, Underground Base Researcher, Speaker, Writer, Political Scientist, Paranormal Experiencer
U.S. Air Force, Parmedic, ICU Technician, Social Psychologist, U.S. Historian, Writer, Insurance Agent, Author
Attorney, Nutrition Specialist, Scholar, Consultant, Lecturer, Columnist, Writer
Author, Visionary, Social Innovator, Evolutionary Thinker, Educator, Producer, Narrator, Trainer, Doctor of Conscious Evolution
Author, Political Analyst, Speaker, Media Commentator, Consultant, Researcher, Strategic Advisor, Writer, Blogger, Talk Show Host
Reporter, News Correspondent, Researcher, Author, Diplomate, Fierce Thinker