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International Peace Activist, Justice Advocate, Humanitarian
Teacher, Lecturer, U.S. Government Advisor, Solidarity Movement Activist, Co-Founder Free Palestine Movement, Co-Founder Free Gaza Movement, Doctor of Linguistics, Training Administrator, Humanitarian, Professor
Physician, Author, AIDS Issues Activist, Researcher, Writer, Lecturer, Geopolitical Expert, Radio Show Host
TV Host, Veteran Correspondent, News Anchor, Broadcaster, Journalist, Keynote Speaker, Stress Disorder Spokesperson, Author
U.S. Intelligence Asset, 9/11 Truther, Political Activist, Whistleblower
UFO Researcher, Former Army Comman Sergeant Major, Intelligence Field Operative, Intelligence Analyst, Speaker, Lecturer
Author, Scientist, Former Astronaut, International Speaker, Researcher, Lectuerer, Writer, Teacher, Assistant Professor, Columnist, Environmentalist, Consultant, Advisor, Facilitator
Journalist, Adventurer, Writer, Columnist, Consultant, Speaker, Editor
Political Activist, Teacher, Educator, Independent Researcher, Doctor of Alternative Medicine, Author, Lecturer, Expert Witness, Speaker, Publisher, Tribal Administrator, Village Planner, Executive Director, Consultant
Lawyer, Running for California Senate, 9-11 Truther, Political Activist