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Inside the pending ESEA (Elementary Secondary Education Act) - THE TROJAN HORSE THAT THREATENS PUBLIC EDUCATION.  A deep look inside the pending ESEA (Elementary Secondary Education Act) - listen and learn how the ESEA is the Trojan Horse that will threaten public education, teachers, students, parents, local communities, and even the entire resistance movement, especially the Opt Out revolt.Joining Dr. Miller will be Dr. Victoria M. Young - author of The Crucial Voice of the People, Past and Present: Education's Missing Ingredient.



The Voice of the Ashtar Command with Commander Lady Athena Sheran - Show #1 on BBS Radio!

Commander Ashtar-Athena SherAn, Ashtar Galactic Command Spokesperson, Great Central Sun Throne Worlds Ambassador, Spiritual Counselor,Teacher, Mystic~

"Insight Out--the Naked Truth"  "Not Necessarily"--Phrase of the week

Tuesdays 7 PM, Sundays 8 AM

Is the human race guaranteed a future? Not necessarily.

Is physical death the end of you?  Not necessarily.

Are the things we believe we need really needs?  

Not necess.........

​Necessary, needs, necessarily, necessity--we're getting down to basics tonight. Well......not necessarily

The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis

Paradigm Shifters with Ram Das Batchelder with Rising In Love

Personal Development Coach, Public Speaker, Sexual Abuse Advocacy, Hypnotist, Past-life Regression Therapist, Energy Medicine,