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Mastery is only gained through self-conscious effort, one must apply it to get results, just wishing won't do it.
- St. Germaine


Do you feel a presence? That presence is not your mind; but is your Soul.  

The mind might be lost in contemplation, wonder or daydreaming as the  inner dialogue happens in the presence of the soul. So let's instead  take a  few moments to become aware and  just ...   

cosmic mythologist, global alchemist, clairvoyant healer, Earth advocate, artist
Sales Executive, Traveler, Bicyclist, Writer, Author
Clinical Psychologist, Therapist, Author, Lecturer, Meditator, Senior Trainer

We'll be discussing how Deborah became acquainted with some very special people, experiences and much more.  These experiences have changed her life in some powerful ways.

Author, Musician, Composer, Sound Healer, Teacher, Author, Visual Artist

The Aborigines are a wonderful people whose healing techniques have been of great value for hundreds if not thousands of years.  We'll find out some of their techniques.  Join us.

A short time after her death, a mother communicates with her daughter who channels the information given to her.  Could this happen to you?  What did her mother want the daughter to know?  We'll find out.