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UFO Paranormal Investigator, Reserve Deputy Sheriff, Consultant

A 6 minutes and 21 Second ET Yoga Healing audio experience - Extraterrestrial Healing Yoga

This is an open mike hour with Donna Seebo.  While your turkey is cooking join in with Donna and give her a call if you like.  Lots of fun stuff Donna will be sharing with you.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Michael Eastwood lives on the Isle of Wright, in the United Kingdom.  He is considered one of the top experts in using crystals for healing and with his cards we'll find out more about his fascinating background and how crystals heal.

Chairman of the Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisatons & Author

This is Michael Koep's first official work of fiction.  It is the first in a trilogy of The Newirth Mythology. It involves the death of a bipolar housewife, an all-seeing black eye and much more.  Join us in this trip of fiction.

Jim Harold, a popular talk show host, has compiled 70 true life ghosts stories that people have shared with him on his show.  Want to be spooked?  Tune in.