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Founder and President of the Anniue Appleseed Project, Public Speaker, Autho, Consumer Advocate
Scientist, Clinician, Educator, Herbalist, Writer, Consultant for the Natural Products Industry, Adjunct Professor, Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Fellow

My guest was Simone Soucy, Colorado Artist, Organic Farmer, and Teacher of some of Tom Brown's Wilderness Survival Classes. She shared her wisdom about sustainable living, permaculture gardening, being in harmony with nature, and foraging for wild edibles like mushrooms and berries in the Rocky Mountains.

ELIOT COWAN, author of "Planet Spirit Medicine", will share his journey into Shamanism, and how he came to work with the Spirits of Plants to heal body, mind, and spirit. He studied herbalism in the 60s, earned a Masters Degree in Acupuncture in the 70s, and went on to apprentice for many years with Huichol Shaman Don Guadelupe Gonzalos Rios in Mexico. He was initiated by Don Guadalupe to be a guide to Shamanic apprentices in the Huichol tradition.