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Timothy Glenn reminds us who we are in the Unified Field; not the small self - a weak and ineffective human being bumped around randomly like a pin ball machine.  We are part of The Field of Creation, equally Creators approaching a Quantum Shift; transformation into our true nature as unlimited Sovereign Beings.

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle

Carla J Fox returns to share stories about her recent trip to Turkey and Lebanon.  She has uploaded pictures to her blog; simply scroll through the blog posts until you get to the block of pictures which are themselves fascinating!  I looked up Gobleki Tepi, and there were dozens of pictures which matched her descriptions.  Enjoy the show!

Timothy J Glenn returns with another fascinating update on the "cosmic scene".  Using astrology, he goes over the massive changes that are taking place now, which will reach a climax in 2020 and 2022.  If you want to know what the energies will be doing, as old paradigms crumble, this is a great show to hear!


Soul Path Recalibrator, Frequency Activator, Host TheJoyRideShow
internationally acclaimed psychic, medium, healer, dowser, ordained minister
Founder Project Starseed, Author, Healer, Remote Viewer, Registered Nurse
A Fireside Chat with Lance White, aka Zany Mystic

A Fireside Chat with Lance White, the zany mystic

Guest, Timothy J Glenn