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Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow will have special guest, Claudia McNeely on as she explains what Soul Retrieval is and why it can help us in our daily life. Claudia McNeely is a professional Psychic, Clairvoyant, Medical Intuitive, Animal Communicator, and Shaman. She also is a Heart and Soul Healing Practioner where she works with clients from around the world on Soul Retrieval. Claudia is also an author of several spiritual and psychic protection books. 

Affirmations For Living The most we know about astrology or horoscopes has been what we’ve read in the newspaper or had delivered to our email but how accurate are they? In truth astrology can be traced back to the 1st century BC with two varieties of astrology in existence, one that required the reading of horoscopes in order to establish precise details about the past, present and future; the other being theurgic (literally meaning 'god-work'), which emphasised the soul's ascent to the stars.


Angelic Sound Healing with Ted Winslow. Learn new ways to connect with your angels through sound healing. Journey through the healing aspects of using frequencies and music to facilitate more ease in your body, mind, and spirit. Use the sound healing to gain a deeper connection with your angels and spirit guides as it helps you to reach a deeper state of relaxation and frequency so you can connect with these higher frequency beings who are here to help us in our dense earth reality. "Angelic Sound Healing" with Binaural Beats is Ted Winslow's 3rd CD in his sound healing series.

The Eclectic Visionary Show with Judianne Cannizzaro & Judy Colantuono

Inner Harmony & Well-Being Daily tips with Shanti Rose. Join Christina Winslow as she interviews Shanti Rose, professional Clairvoyant, Soul Level and Heart Path Intuitive. Shanti has over fifteen years experience helping people as an Intuitive Life Coach, she will give us tips for finding inner peace and harmony though turbulent times. Shanti will also provide free readings to callers on our live show.

If you understand the principle that our physical, mental, and verbal actions carry energy, then the soul journeys described in this book are completely sensible. Soul regressions—that is, traveling in our awareness and consciousness to re-visit previous physical incarnations—is simply one way to understand the nature of our experience as it relates to our soul lessens.

Energy Report for November 2014 on the Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow. Find out information about the solar flares, current energies coming in, geopolitical shifts, current events, and the ascension of earth with the Energetic Update for November 2014 with Claudia McNeely. This is going to be a great show, learn how all of these energies are affecting your daily life and what you can do to get through it with ease!

Psychic Vampires, who are they and what do they want? Find out how Psychic Vampires can feed off of your energy without you even knowing it! Sometimes you might feel tired, get a headache, notice aches and pains and it might be from someone draining your energy. Sometimes friends, famiy, neighbors, customers, or other people in your life can drain your energy without realizing they are doing it. Others, might be doing it on purpose! Learn about this topic and how to stop it!

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright coined the term, Exoconsciousness as the result of ET contacts commencing at age 3, and a lifetime of research.  In this show, we discuss the possibility for transformaion, which would result from gaining "psychic intelligence".  As the world falls apart, transformation steps in.  We are moving towards what we aleady are:  an empathic and telepathic race, communing with all sentient life forms - peacefully.