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Unfolding Secrets Founder, Composer & Executive Producer

The John Martin Talk Show - show 12 - with John Martin International Visionary and Healer, on BBS Radio!

Mastery is only gained through self-conscious effort, one must apply it to get results, just wishing won't do it.
- St. Germaine


Do you feel a presence? That presence is not your mind; but is your Soul.  

The mind might be lost in contemplation, wonder or daydreaming as the  inner dialogue happens in the presence of the soul. So let's instead  take a  few moments to become aware and  just ...   

cosmic mythologist, global alchemist, clairvoyant healer, Earth advocate, artist
Clinical Psychologist, Therapist, Author, Lecturer, Meditator, Senior Trainer

Evolve 2b with Audree Tara Weitzman - 16th show on BBS Radio!

The John Martin Talk Show - show 11 - with John Martin International Visionary and Healer, on BBS Radio!

Evolve 2b with Audree Tara Weitzman - 15th show on BBS Radio! Audree is Back from India, and other places...

The Debut of You Got Questions? We Got Answers! with Wynn Free on BBS Radio!

"Wynn Free queries celestial sources live with listener submitted questions"

The Debut of Personal Planetary Healing Meditation radio show with Wynn Free on BBS Radio!

Wynn Free is most known as the principal author of the book – The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? In addition to presenting an impeccable case, proving for most readers, that Edgar Cayce has returned, the book gives a most credible understanding, from a cosmic perspective, as to what’s really happening on planet earth, concerning the dimensional shift and ascension. The source of the readings has identified itself as the Ra Confederacy – a group soul.