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President of The California Institute of Advanced Management

When one is laid off from a job it is devestating to say the least.  How can you manage your emotional upheaveal, fears and move forward. Damian, a Career Counselor, has some wonderful toos to share .. listen in and get past those fearful hurdles of the unknown.

Author, speaker, leadership coash, and business consultant

Communication is at the heart of anyone's success regardless of the area of expertise.  Zach Friend will be sharing skills he has learned through his public service work and dealing with people who want to be at the top of their game whatever that might be. Listen in and tips will be shared.

You have a wonderful, inventive and useful idea.  You want to patent it.  Great idea!  What is the process?  How long does it take?  What are the positives of getting a patent?  What are the negatives?  We'll ask those questions and more. 

If you are an entrepreneur, an inventor, you'll want to hear more from Leon Cooper.

Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur

How can you meet business, social, and environmental needs and gain competitive advantage in this current world environment? How can we create a game plan for success?  What steps do we take? Can we make a difference with all of the confusion and conflicts currently in place?  We'll find out. Tune in and hear what Eric has to say.