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Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters & Julie Peters

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters & Julie Peters return debut!

In the next hour, we will be joined by Gary Loper, a Life Coach and certified Energy Coach training under the expertise of Loral Lancemeier (Loral is the financial consultant on the Dr. Phil Show and also named in Forbes as one of the most powerful women). Gary has also written 3 books and we will discuss “Learn About the 20 Secrets to Building Better Love Relationships”. Gary will discuss communication, conflict, anger and apologies. How can we sustain relationship? Is there a formula? We will learn more about how to sustain a relationship or know if it is time to exit.

Admirable Friends with Buddy and Carol Fichera. Today's topic is Excess & Restraint!

Admirable Friends with Buddy and Carol Fichera. Today's topic is Greed and Generosity!

InnerViews with Donna Visocky and Kimmie Rose, and Special Guest Dr. Joe Dispenza

This may sound like a term that represents support, but it is actually speaking to people who create lengthy relationships (“Common-law”) Support and how it is not recognized in California. Where is it recognized and what happens if this is the choice you make, but make a break after a long-term relationship? It is often referred to as"non-marital law".