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Choctaw, Governing Council of the American Indian Movement, Indigenous People's Rights Activist
Navy Signalman, U.S.S. Liberty Survivor, President of U.S.S. Liberty Veterans Association
International Peace Activist, Justice Advocate, Humanitarian
Teacher, Lecturer, U.S. Government Advisor, Solidarity Movement Activist, Co-Founder Free Palestine Movement, Co-Founder Free Gaza Movement, Doctor of Linguistics, Training Administrator, Humanitarian, Professor
Esoteric Researcher, Consciousness Explorer, Writer, Author, Keynote Speaker
Researcher, Scholar, Editor, Radio Show Host, Writer, Producer, Speaker, Occult Authority
Self-Educated Scholar, Directive Mythology Teacher, Experimental Mysticism Explorer, Writer, Comparative Mythologian, Author
Archeologist, Webmaster, Surgical Assistant, Starchild Skull Investigator, Researcher
Lawyer, Running for California Senate, 9-11 Truther, Political Activist
Writer, Co-Producer, Egypt Historian, Researcher, Author