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Professor, Educator, Researcher, Writer, Author
Independent Researcher, Humanitarian, Author, Editor, Writer, Scholar, Teacher, Speaker, Myan Calendar Authority
Author, Whole Earth Festival Founder, Historian, Professor, Writer, Poet, Artist, Peace Activist, Scholar, Mayan Calendar Mathematician, Visionary, Speaker
Great Master of the Illuminati Order, Sovereign, Holy Imperator, Sovereign Great Prior, Sovereign Great Commander
Author, Editor, Writer, Occult Researcher, Obscure Subject Historian
Grand Master, Baphomet Preceptory, Knight Templar
Miss USA 2010, Community Volunteer, Actress
Reporter, News Correspondent, Researcher, Author, Diplomate, Fierce Thinker
Experiential Explorer, Executive Director, Facilitator, Educator, Pastor, Author, Spiritualist
Visionary, Community Developer, Teacher, Tribal Planner, Healer, Hope Prophecy Authority